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Posted on : Saturday, April 27, 2013 [0] comments Label:

Mengenal Sejarah Masjid Agung Demak

by : Uong Jowo

Masjid Agung Demak sebagai masjid tertua di Pulau Jawa, Masjid Agung Demak dipercaya memegang peranan penting dalam perkembangan Islam di tanah air. Pasalnya, masjid ini dipercaya sebagai tempat berkumpulnya para Wali Songo yang menyebarkan Islam di Demak.

Masjid tua yang dibangun pada 1477 oleh Raden Fatah bersama Wali Songo ini, berlokasi di pusat Kota Demak. Hanya berjarak 26 km dari Semarang, 25 km dari Kudus, 30 km dari Grobogan, dan 35 km dari Jepara – Jawa Tengah.

Pembangunan Masjid Agung Demak melalui tiga tahap.Tahap pertama dilakukan pada 1466 ketika masjid ini masih berstatus Pondok Pesantren Glagahwangi di bawah asuhan Sunan Ampel. Pada 1477, masjid dibangun kembali sebagai masjid Kadipaten Glagahwangi Demak.

Setahun kemudian, ketika Raden Patah dinobatkan sebagai Sultan I Demak, masjid ini direnovasi dengan penambahan tiga trap. Masjid yang hampir keseluruhan materialnya menggunakan kayu jati ini memiliki luas sekitar 31×31 meter persegi, dengan serambi terbuka berukuran 31×15 m.

Masjid ini juga memiliki bedug raksasa berukuran 3,5×2,5 m, dan tatak rambat berukuran 2,5×3 m . Keseluruhan, masjid ini ditopang 128 soko atau tiang dan 94 tiang penyangga. Pada bagian tengah atap masjid ditopang empat buah tiang kayu raksasa (saka guru), yang dibuat langsung oleh empat orang Wali Songo. Tiang di sebelah tenggara dibuat oleh Sunan Ampel, sebelah barat daya oleh Sunan GunungJati, dan sebelah barat laut dibuat Sunan Bonang. Sedangkan tiang di sebelah timur laut tersusun atas beberapa balok sumbangan Sunan Kalijaga yang diikat menjadi satu.

Menilik arsitekturnya, Masjid Agung Demak ini mengusung gaya arsitektur tradisional dengan atap berbentuk lima persegi. Kesan megah, anggun, sekaligus karismatik tampak nyata melalui arsitektur masjid ini. Atap limas pada masjid ini tersusun atas tiga tingkat yang bermakna seorang beriman harus menapaki tiga tingkatan penting dalam kehidupan rohaninya, yaitu iman, Islam, dan ihsan.

Masjid Agung Demak juga telah dicalonkan untuk menjadi Situs Warisan Dunia UNESCO semenjak tahun 1995.
Posted on : Thursday, March 14, 2013 [5] comments Label: ,

Finding Inspiration and Sparking Creativity

by : Blogger
Art demands inspiration and creativity. Writers, poets, painters, sculptors, and musicians all require these flashes to persist in their craft but every person has times when they need to reach out for that sparkle and shimmer. It could be a need to redecorate a room, choose what to plant in a flower bed, or make a life decision. Sometimes a reminder of sources of inspiration is what it takes to jump-start a project. Here are seven ideas to awaken your muse.

1. Books - Read voraciously. Books are a treasure trove waiting to be discovered. Become a regular visitor to your local library and you can enjoy their rewards without a high cost. When you're in the library, browse the stacks. A gem can appear anywhere and may not show in a search. Consider classic literature, world and travel books, history, science, and whatever topics you come across. A map may lead to a glimmer about a place you've dreamed of visiting and the cultural influences of the people.

2. Music - Listen to music. Start with the genre or artist that is your favorite, but don't be afraid to branch out into other types of music. A pop music lover should enjoy pop but also take side trips into country, blues, rock, classical, or rap. Feel what moves you.

3. Art - Go to a museum. Visit a museum in your area. Small or large, it doesn't matter. If your area doesn't have a museum, go to a flea market or an art festival. Check out the Museum of Bad Art or the Liberace Museum or the Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum. Fine art and horribly bad art each have their own twinkle.


Posted on : Tuesday, January 15, 2013 [1] comments Label: ,

What Type Of Bike Is Right For You?

by : Uong Jowo
Not many are aware of the types of bicycles out there. Most of the time, people learn how to ride the hard way because they are using the wrong type of bike. A mountain bike looks promising enough for most people, but using its gears and other functions can be confusing. If want to know the type of bike that will suit you, there are some things to consider such as your lifestyle and specific needs for getting one in the first place.

Unless you are a sporty type, do not purchase a racing or mountain bike simply because they're the 'it' bikes of the sporting world. There's no need to ride complex bikes if you don't know their main purpose and the possible problems they may lead you to. With that said, it is best to check the following basic information about the different types of bikes:

Mountain or All-terrain

These bikes are made for varied terrains and have sixteen to twenty-four gears. They also have suspension systems, hydraulics, and sturdy features.

Aside from toggling with gears, you'll have to be familiar with the basic riding techniques especially on sloping terrain. This bike is not idea to use if you're a newbie and just starting to learn how to ride because you will need to learn how to use and switch the gears.


Sometimes referred to as 'racers', they are light but quite challenging to ride. These bikes are made for speed and racing enthusiasts are often experienced in riding these on the road. They also have multiple gears, aerodynamic wheels, and minimal accessories. If you'll notice, racing riders are quite light and lean, and these help in increasing and maintaining their riding speeds with ease.


Road bikes are truly made for riding on flat roads and city streets. There are sub-types based on their features and function, as well as their built. A fixie bike can be considered under the 'road' category since it has a fixed gear and is primarily built for riding on smooth and flat roads.


Posted on : Monday, December 17, 2012 [0] comments Label:

Dark Chocolate Is Good for the Memory

by : Blogger


Cocoa is an exceptional source of poly phenols, a class of molecules that are distinguished for their high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities which interferes with the development of several chronic diseases.

For example, the regular consumption of dark chocolate reduces the risk of being statistically touched by cardiovascular diseases: Several studies show that dark chocolate significantly reduces blood pressure and interferes with the formation of blood clots, reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

These protective effects are observed only in dark chocolate containing at least 70% of cocoa paste: sweet chocolate tablets invading grocery stores and convenience stores contain only traces of cocoa paste lots of sugar, saturated fat and therefore lots of calories and therefore do not have much to do with real dark chocolate.

Fortunately, you can now easily find good 70% chocolate at very reasonable prices and these products deserves to be part of our daily eating habits. Dark chocolate is not a luxury reserved only for special occasions like Valentine's Day!


Each year, about 5% of people aged 70 and over are starting to show affection by a slight decline in their cognitive functions, manifested mostly by memory lost problems.

In short terms, those memory losses just cause minor inconveniences, but they can become more disabling if the neuron function continues to deteriorate while aging.

To determine whether the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of poly phenols present in dark chocolate could ameliorate cognitive functions, a team of Italian researchers recruited 90 volunteers aged 65 to 82 years (mean 71 years) who had clinical signs of a beginning of cognitive decline.

These individuals were divided into three groups, each of them took a daily drink of chocolate containing high amounts (990 mg) intermediate (520 mg) or low (45 mg) of poly phenols. In parallel, the diet of these people was closely monitored to eliminate any other sources of poly phenols a way to better discern the effects related to the consumption of presents molecules in chocolate.

After eight weeks of treatment, the cognitive function of those volunteers was determined with the aid of a battery of tests measuring memories, for both short-term and long termedcognitive functions in their set.

The results obtained are very interesting: compared to those of the group who drank a beverage low in poly phenols, those who consumed high quantities of these molecules showed a significant improvement of memory and had superiors cognitive functions during the test results, and those results only two months after having started the treatment!


The mechanisms responsible for these effects to remain positive has to be better understood, but it could be due to a significant improvement in the sensitivity to the action of insulin in people who consume high amounts of poly phenols.

Insulin is a very important hormone for the maintenance and function of brain cells and recent data indicate that resistance to this hormone, as observed in type 2 diabetes, contributes to cognitive decline and the development of the Alzheimer's disease.

Dark chocolate to counteract the loss of memory? A health advice, which should be unanimous!

Posted on : Friday, December 7, 2012 [0] comments Label: ,

Essential Rock Climbing Equipment For Climbers at Every Level

by : Blogger
Rock Climbing Equipment - Just like any other sporting gear. Rock Climbing is quickly becoming one of the most popular sports in the world, and this is largely due to the advances in technology of rock climbing equipment. Over the last twenty years, further research in bolting technique and the creating of Cams has made climbing a largely accessible sport, taking you to places that you ordinarily wouldn't attempt to travel.

Rock Climbing Equipment can be divided into several different types. Based on what type of climbing you're doing, it will vary - whether you're going to stay in the gym, get outdoors and sports climb, or participate in trad climbing.

Rock Climbing Equipment that you'll need for each type of climbing is as follows:
  • Indoor Top-Rope Climbing: Harness, Climbing Shoes, Chalk Bag (optional).
  • Sports Climbing: Harness, Climbing Shoes, Chalk Bag, Dynamic Climbing Rope, Belay Device, Helmet, Sling with attached Carabiner (personal protection), Quickdraws, and 4 carabiners with long slings to set up a top-rope anchor.
  • Trad Climbing: As per the Sport Climbing rack, although you will also need pieces of protection to set in the rock, which include Nuts (Wires), SLCDs (Spring-Loaded Camming Devices) a.k.a Cams, and Hexes, if you so wish.

Try to keep things as simple as I can and only give a brief summary about each component of rock climbing equipment.
  • Harness: Comes in a variety of different forms but basically acts to hold your torso upright and provide an attachment point for the ropes.
  • Rock Climbing Shoes: On any moderately difficult route you'll need climbing shoes in order to use the smaller foot-holds on the rock.
  • Chalk Bag: To store chalk, which will keep your hands dry when you're climbing and stop you from slipping.
  • Dynamic Climbing Rope: Obviously to provide some form of protection when you're climbing. The rope needs to be dynamic climbing rope in order to absorb the force from
  • the fall.
  • Belay Device: A device used to provide a large amount of friction to arrest a fall from the climber.
  • Helmet: to protect your skull from loose rock or dropped gear!
  • Slings: Either made of nylon or dyneema, these are very strong and are basically used in all parts of climbing, especially for setting protection. Note they are static and cannot absorb force, so you cannot climb with a static rope for protection.
  • Quickdraws: Pre-rigged carabiners which allow you to clip rope as you climb
  • Nuts/Hexes: Passive pieces of protection which you physically set into the rock
  • SLCDs: Uses outward mechanical force to arrest falls.

This is not an exhaustive list of every single piece of equipment - there is plenty more that you can learn about climbing gear, which will also help you climb with more confidence. However, having rock climbing equipment is a wonderful part of the sport as it allows you to use fantastic technology to keep yourself safe.

Please note that rock climbing equipment can be dangerous if used incorrectly and you should only use it if you have been shown the proper method and application of the gear.

Copyright 2013 - L. Tiong

Leonard Tiong from, my training site. I've been climbing outdoor for a little over a year and very much love the sport, but am always surprised at how many things people overlook in terms of safety and wish to correct this! Please visit my website and subscribe for more detailed information.
Posted on : Monday, November 19, 2012 [5] comments Label:

Yusuf Islam is a British singer-songwriter

by : Blogger

Yusuf Islam (born Steven Demetre Georgiou, 21 July 1948), commonly known by his former stage name Cat Stevens, is a British singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, humanitarian, education philanthropist, and prominent convert to Islam.

His early 1970s record albums Tea for the Tillerman and Teaser and the Firecat were both certified triple platinum in the United States by the RIAA. His 1972 album Catch Bull at Four sold half a million copies in the first two weeks of release alone and was Billboard's number-one LP for three consecutive weeks. He has also earned two ASCAP songwriting awards in consecutive years for "The First Cut Is the Deepest", which has been a hit single for four different artists.

Stevens converted to Islam in December 1977 and adopted the name Yusuf Islam the following year. In 1979, he auctioned all his guitars for charity[10] and left his music career to devote himself to educational and philanthropic causes in the Muslim community. He has been given several awards for his work in promoting peace in the world, including the 2003 World Award, the 2004 Man for Peace Award, and the 2007 Mediterranean Prize for Peace. In 2006, he returned to pop music with his first album of new pop songs in 28 years, entitled An Other Cup. He now goes professionally by the single name Yusuf. His most recent album, Roadsinger, was released on 5 May 2009.

Posted on : Thursday, November 8, 2012 [0] comments Label:

Mountain Bike Drop-In Strategy

by : Uong Jowo
Have you ever gone to a skate park and noticed that the skateboard riders get to drop-in to the various ramps and jumps which have been designed into the skate park? These drop-ins allow the rider to gain speed and inertia to do all of their tricks. Often, there are BMX riders who also like to go to the skate parks and use the drop-ins for their own tricks. Perhaps you've seen the X-Games sponsored by Red Bull, and watched the BMX riders compete for who can do the best tricks. Many of them risk life and limb for the notoriety and for prize dollars.

If you go onto YouTube you will see there are mountain bike competitions for downhill, and for rather exotic trails, often modified with jumps and other features. It seems to me that having a drop-in strategy to allow these mountain bikes to get up to speed makes a lot of sense. It also means that smaller hills can serve the same purpose as larger mountains because the entry speed would be greatly increased. Now then, what I have in mind is a new concept, and I call it a BikeDrome. Why did I pick this name? Well because in ancient times there were Seadromes for warships, and at the beginning of the aviation era there were Airdromes, which today would be called simply; airports.

That sounds like a place to plug in your electric bike or some added feature on the bike to plug in your iPhone. It's not that either of those ideas are a bad concept, we need more of those too, perhaps even a WiFi mountain bike to text message, watch videos, and get your emails. Nevertheless, at some point it's time to stop doing all of the personal tech and start riding your bike not only to stay in shape, but also to show what you're made out of, to see if you can go the distance, and to see if you have the balls it takes to do the tricks without chickening out.

A BikeDrome would be a drop-in system which hooks on your back tire and tows you backwards up a near vertical wall you put your feet on the side in little trays which are slides. Once you are towed up to the top, you can press a release button and you slide down onto the trail or onto a ramp with a burst of speed. This would be the perfect system to get maximum speed before you start. That is if you are tough enough to handle it. Please consider all this and think on it.